DHA Gujranwala Files rates and updated available files from various dealers. Owned Properties are available for buying & selling. Find out 5 Marla file, 10 Marla files for sale and price updates.

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DHA Gujranwala 5 Marla Files
DHA Gujranwala 10 Marla Files
DHA Gujranwala 1 Kanal Files

DHA Gujranwala Files Rates 2018

Gujranwala is among the most populated cities of Punjab, Pakistan, it also holds one of the largest military areas in Punjab. DHA presents another amazing residential scheme at the most desirable location, in Gujranwala next to Rahwali Cantt. GT road is 5 mins drive away, whereas, the main city of Gujranwala is 10 to 12 km away making this location the most recommendable location of Gujranwala.

Wall.pk provides you all the required detail regarding the DHA Gujranwala files rates 2018. With our site you can easily check the DHA Gujranwala file prices on a regular basis, we also provide the information regarding DHA Gujranwala files for sale. The description of DHA Gujranwala files rate 2018 are mentioned below;

DHA Gujranwala 5 Marla File Rate

For those people who want a secure investment through an affordable procedure, DHA Gujranwala presents 5 Marla residential plots of your dream home. These plots are also provided on instalments which are easily adjustable in your budget. So, if you have a small family and want a beautiful and easy to maintain the home for living, this could be your chance of building your dream home. Get your required information regarding the DHA Gujranwala 5 Marla file rate and avail this opportunity.

DHA Gujranwala 10 Marla File Rate

If you want a beautiful and luxurious home in Gujranwala, on a prime location in Pakistan's most reliable housing authority then, 10 Marla plots by DHA Gujranwala are the most suitable for people who want to build their houses under their supervision, these plots are also the best form of investments on a higher level. Besides these plots are the best residence for people who want to have a home near the military area of Gujranwala a.k.a soldiers and officers. Here will not only guide all those who want information regarding DHA Gujranwala10 Marla file rates in detail but we also offer information involving the detail of payment modules.

DHA Gujranwala 1 Kanal File Rate

Most of us want to build a house which fulfills our requirements provide the best ambience to our family as well. Many of us can't compromise even over a single ingredient while building our dream home, from lawn to a wide kitchen and tv lounge every single component is essential to call your house a 'dream residential place'. Moreover, if you have a big family and you frequently entertain the guests as well, then you have to review DHA Gujranwala 1 Kanal file rate for booking your 1 Kanal plot at the DHA right now! Don’t miss your chance of embracing your lifestyle with DHA Gujranwala and book your 1 Kanal plot now!


Different people have different requirements regarding the property purchasing matter, if you want to construct your house on a smaller or a larger scale in Gujranwala, you will need information about the DHA Gujranwala file prices. So, hurry up! Collect the required info about DHA Gujranwala file for sale, review the DHA Gujranwala files rates 2018, choose a plan which suits you the best and build your dream house in Gujranwala, Like a Boss!

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